Advent 2015 (4 of 6) by

Sermon Series:  Freedom Bound -- Advent to Epiphany 2015
Sermon Title:  The Path of Love (4 of 6)
Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 16:5; Luke 1:39-56; John 3:16-17

The Advent season is a time of reflection on how God's coming in Jesus releases us from personal, social, and historical chains that bind us. The theme for this Advent-Epiphany season is "Freedom Bound." We live in the paradox that we are both bound and free, on a march to freedom but encumbered by the burden of sin we carry; we are carrying the scars of struggle but living with a new hope. God's freedom takes us down pathways of justice, mercy, trust, love, service, and inclusion.

In The Path of Love (4 of 6), pastor David shows how Jesus reveals God’s liberating love by scattering the proud, raising up the lowly, and filling the hungry.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Advent 2015 (3 of 6) by

Sermon Series:  Freedom Bound -- Advent to Epiphany 2015
Sermon Title:  The Path of Trust (3 of 6)
Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 12:2; Luke 8:22-25; Philippians 4:4-9

The Advent season is a time of reflection on how God's coming in Jesus releases us from personal, social, and historical chains that bind us. The theme for this Advent-Epiphany season is "Freedom Bound." We live in the paradox that we are both bound and free, on a march to freedom but encumbered by the burden of sin we carry; we are carrying the scars of struggle but living with a new hope. God's freedom takes us down pathways of justice, mercy, trust, love, service, and inclusion.

In The Path of Trust (3 of 6), pastor David addresses the fears that paralyze us and how to overcome them through Christ and an unwavering trust in God. Listen to David and view the slides here.

Advent 2015 (2 of 6) by

Sermon Series:  Freedom Bound -- Advent to Epiphany 2015
Sermon Title:  The Path of Mercy (2 of 6)
Scripture Reading:  Malachi 3:1-2; Luke 1:76-79; Mark 10:46-52

The Advent season is a time of reflection on how God's coming in Jesus releases us from personal, social, and historical chains that bind us. The theme for this Advent-Epiphany season is "Freedom Bound." We live in the paradox that we are both bound and free, on a march to freedom but encumbered by the burden of sin we carry; we are carrying the scars of struggle but living with a new hope. God's freedom takes us down pathways of justice, mercy, trust, love, service, and inclusion.

In The Path of Mercy, pastor David shares how the light of Christ’s coming is God’s mercy to us, in order that we might be freed from our darkness. Listen to David and view the slides here.

Advent 2015 (1 of 6) by

Sermon Series:  Freedom Bound -- Advent to Epiphany 2015
Sermon Title:  The Path of Justice
Scripture Reading:  Jeremiah 33:14-16; Mark 1:1-4, 14-15; Galatians 5:1, 13

The Advent season is a time of reflection on how God's coming in Jesus releases us from personal, social, and historical chains that bind us. The theme for this Advent-Epiphany season is "Freedom Bound." We live in the paradox that we are both bound and free, on a march to freedom but encumbered by the burden of sin we carry; we are carrying the scars of struggle but living with a new hope. God's freedom takes us down pathways of justice, mercy, trust, love, service, and inclusion.

In The Path of Justice, pastor David calls our attention to how Jesus revealed the healing path of God’s justice. Listen to David and view the slides here.

Going Through Samaria by

Sermon Title:  Going Through Samaria: The Journey of Intercultural Discipleship
Scripture Reading:  John 4:1-42

A key way that God shapes us as disciples of Jesus is through intercultural encounters with people from backgrounds different than our own. The disciples' journey through Samaria in John 4 is an example of how following Jesus will sometimes take us out of our cultural comfort zone for the sake of the Kingdom.

In this message, guest speaker Robert Howe shares stories of how God has shaped him through experiences of other cultures, and he invites others to reflect on their own "Samaria" for the sake of the kingdom of God.

Listen to Robert and view the slides here

Robert Howe has a MA in Global Leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary, and is now working on a Doctor of Missiology (DMiss) in the area of Leadership Development at Fuller. He currently works for the grad chapter of InterVarsity at Virginia Tech.

Knowing Jesus (6 of 6) by

Series Title:  Knowing Jesus (6 of 6)
Sermon Title:  An Invitation to Follow Jesus
Scripture Reading:  Luke 6:12-16; Matthew 16:21-27; 28:16-20

Unlike the standard Rabbinical practice of the first century where students could ask or apply to become a disciple of the Rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth directly called all 12 of his disciples. He interrupted their world with, "Come, follow me." So, when Jesus calls it's rarely ever convenient. Jesus is calling both saints and sinners this way. He calls us with promise of reward and assurance of trouble. And he calls us not just to benefit from knowing him, but also to be sent out to make more disciples.

In An Invitation to Follow Jesus (6 of 6), pastor David calls us all to consider the radical call of Christ. Listen to David and view the slides here.