the cross

Knowing Jesus (6 of 6) by

Series Title:  Knowing Jesus (6 of 6)
Sermon Title:  An Invitation to Follow Jesus
Scripture Reading:  Luke 6:12-16; Matthew 16:21-27; 28:16-20

Unlike the standard Rabbinical practice of the first century where students could ask or apply to become a disciple of the Rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth directly called all 12 of his disciples. He interrupted their world with, "Come, follow me." So, when Jesus calls it's rarely ever convenient. Jesus is calling both saints and sinners this way. He calls us with promise of reward and assurance of trouble. And he calls us not just to benefit from knowing him, but also to be sent out to make more disciples.

In An Invitation to Follow Jesus (6 of 6), pastor David calls us all to consider the radical call of Christ. Listen to David and view the slides here.

Lent to Easter 2015 (3 of 7) by

Sermon Series: Lent to Easter 2015
Sermon Title: The God Who Hides His Wisdom In A Cross
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:18-30; Matthew 11:25; Colossians 2:13-15; Galatians 5:13-25

What is God doing? What does he want to do? Whatever God is doing, it isn't "same old, same old." God wants to do a new thing! 

Our Lent to Easter 2015 series focuses our attention on our need to see how and where God is at work in our personal walk with him, and in the life of our church. Are we listening? Do we recognize the Holy Spirit at work?

The cross of Christ is the quintessential expression of God’s wisdom. He is the God who has hidden his wisdom in a cross. In fact, all of God’s ways are cross-like in that his wisdom seems upside down and inside out. Walking in his ways and perceiving his wisdom is not possible by following law and relying on human wisdom, but instead it comes through faithful dependence upon the Spirit. What does this look like in our daily lives? How can we walk in the Spirit and discover God’s wisdom?

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Not Against Flesh & Blood (2 of 7) by

In the beginning the Triune God created an orderly universe out of love. Then somewhere in the primordial past a portion of his angelic agents began working against the Creator—war in the unseen realms! In this series, David addresses how things came to be broken the way they are today, and how the spiritual forces of evil are still at work exploiting human weakness and opposing God's will. It's a struggle between good and evil, but ultimately the real battle is not one of flesh and blood. In the second message, David challenges us to rethink our understanding of God's sovereignty and his power over evil by way of the cross.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Series Outline:

  1. Creation & Chaos
  2. Cruciformed Sovereignty
  3. Prayer as Holy Resistance
  4. Prayer in Imagination
  5. Sword of the Spirit
  6. Worship as Warfare
  7. Hell Will Not Prevail