Knowing Jesus (6 of 6) / by

Series Title:  Knowing Jesus (6 of 6)
Sermon Title:  An Invitation to Follow Jesus
Scripture Reading:  Luke 6:12-16; Matthew 16:21-27; 28:16-20

Unlike the standard Rabbinical practice of the first century where students could ask or apply to become a disciple of the Rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth directly called all 12 of his disciples. He interrupted their world with, "Come, follow me." So, when Jesus calls it's rarely ever convenient. Jesus is calling both saints and sinners this way. He calls us with promise of reward and assurance of trouble. And he calls us not just to benefit from knowing him, but also to be sent out to make more disciples.

In An Invitation to Follow Jesus (6 of 6), pastor David calls us all to consider the radical call of Christ. Listen to David and view the slides here.