Not Against Flesh & Blood (3 of 7) by

In the beginning the Triune God created an orderly universe out of love. Then somewhere in the primordial past a portion of his angelic agents began working against the Creator—war in the unseen realms! In this series, David addresses how things came to be broken the way they are today, and how the spiritual forces of evil are still at work exploiting human weakness and opposing God's will. It's a struggle between good and evil, but ultimately the real battle is not one of flesh and blood. In the third message, David shows that prayer is how we join with God in shaping the future and overcoming spiritual evil.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Series Outline:

  1. Creation & Chaos
  2. Cruciformed Sovereignty
  3. Prayer as Holy Resistance
  4. Prayer in Imagination
  5. Sword of the Spirit
  6. Worship as Warfare
  7. Hell Will Not Prevail

Not Against Flesh & Blood (2 of 7) by

In the beginning the Triune God created an orderly universe out of love. Then somewhere in the primordial past a portion of his angelic agents began working against the Creator—war in the unseen realms! In this series, David addresses how things came to be broken the way they are today, and how the spiritual forces of evil are still at work exploiting human weakness and opposing God's will. It's a struggle between good and evil, but ultimately the real battle is not one of flesh and blood. In the second message, David challenges us to rethink our understanding of God's sovereignty and his power over evil by way of the cross.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Series Outline:

  1. Creation & Chaos
  2. Cruciformed Sovereignty
  3. Prayer as Holy Resistance
  4. Prayer in Imagination
  5. Sword of the Spirit
  6. Worship as Warfare
  7. Hell Will Not Prevail

Not Against Flesh & Blood (1 of 7) by

In the beginning the Triune God created an orderly universe out of love. Then somewhere in the primordial past a portion of his angelic agents began working against the Creator—war in the unseen realms! In this series, David addresses how things came to be broken the way they are today, and how the spiritual forces of evil are still at work exploiting human weakness and opposing God's will. It's a struggle between good and evil, but ultimately the real battle is not one of flesh and blood. In the first message, David begins by looking at the origins of evil.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

NOTE: We apologize for the technical difficulties at the beginning of this message. We had to improvise because of last minute problems with recording equipment.

Series Outline:

  1. Creation & Chaos
  2. Cruciformed Sovereignty
  3. Prayer as Holy Resistance
  4. Prayer in Imagination
  5. Sword of the Spirit
  6. Worship as Warfare
  7. Hell Will Not Prevail

The Early Church, Our Church (7 of 7) by

This seven-part series follows the travels of the apostle Paul through the cities of Antioch, Colossae, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica, Corinth, and Rome. David reveals the failures and successes of these churches, and addresses their unique contributions to our faith. What can we learn from these encounters? How can they help us as a church in pursuit of Christ and the Kingdom? In the final message of the series, David looks at what it means to get life from Christ.

Series Outline:

  1. Antioch -- Diversity in the Body of Christ
  2. Colossae -- The Centrality & Supremacy of Christ
  3. Ephesus -- Passionate Purpose & Plan
  4. Philippi -- The Power of the Holy Spirit
  5. Thessalonica -- Hope in Suffering
  6. Corinth -- People of Reconciliation
  7. Rome -- Getting Life From Christ Alone

Listen to David and view the slides here.

The Early Church, Our Church (6 of 7) by

This seven-part series follows the travels of the apostle Paul through the cities of Antioch, Colossae, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica, Corinth, and Rome. David reveals the failures and successes of these churches, and addresses their unique contributions to our faith. What can we learn from these encounters? How can they help us as a church in pursuit of Christ and the Kingdom? In the sixth message, David looks at the often difficult task of reconciliation.

Series Outline:

  1. Antioch -- Diversity in the Body of Christ
  2. Colossae -- The Centrality & Supremacy of Christ
  3. Ephesus -- Passionate Purpose & Plan
  4. Philippi -- The Power of the Holy Spirit
  5. Thessalonica -- Hope in Suffering
  6. Corinth -- People of Reconciliation
  7. Rome -- Getting Life From Christ Alone

Listen to David and view the slides here.