Filtering by: Knowing Jesus

Knowing Jesus (6 of 6)
10:30 AM10:30

Knowing Jesus (6 of 6)

Sermon Series:  Knowing Jesus
Sermon Title:  An Invitation to Follow Jesus
Scripture Reading:  Luke 6:12-16; Matthew 16:21-27; 28:16-20
Sermon Focus:  Unlike the standard Rabbinical practice of the first century where students could ask or apply to become a disciple of the Rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth directly called all 12 of his disciples. He interrupted their world with, "Come, follow me." So, when Jesus calls it's rarely ever convenient. Jesus is calling both saints and sinners this way. He calls us with promise of reward and assurance of trouble. And he calls us not just to benefit from knowing him, but also to be sent out to make more disciples.

In An Invitation to Follow Jesus (6 of 6), pastor David calls us all to consider the radical call of Christ.

Join us for worship at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary.

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Knowing Jesus (5 of 6)
10:30 AM10:30

Knowing Jesus (5 of 6)

Sermon Series:  Knowing Jesus
Sermon Title:  Experiencing Jesus in Missional Community
Scripture Reading:  John 17:13-19; Ephesians 2:18-22; 3:16-19; 4:1-6, 11-16
Sermon Focus:  While Jesus wants us to know him in the secret place, a healthy and balanced experience of Jesus comes through knowing him with others living on mission as his disciples. Western individualism and a spirituality that is kept “private” is ultimately a threat to the growth of disciples. Jesus desired that his disciples would grow together while living out his Kingdom mission.

In Experiencing Jesus in Missional Community (5 of 6), pastor David shares how the missional church is the womb for growing disciples—where we experience Jesus together in the intimate and personal spaces.

Join us for worship at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary.

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Knowing Jesus (4 of 6)
10:30 AM10:30

Knowing Jesus (4 of 6)

Sermon Series:  Knowing Jesus
Sermon Title:  Abiding in the Person of Jesus
Scripture Reading:  John 15:1-11; 17:1-5, 25-26; Matthew 6:5-13
Sermon Focus:  We know that we’ve all been called into a “personal relationship” with Jesus. However, we often settle for a head knowledge of Jesus, knowing about him, but never learning how to abide in him. As Wayne Jacobsen has said, “Though most believers are comfortable speaking of a ‘personal relationship with Jesus,’ few concepts are so greatly celebrated and little experienced.” How then do we carry on a relationship with Jesus? What does it mean to abide in the Vine?

In Abiding in the Person of Jesus (4 of 6), pastor David addresses practical disciplines that assist us in really knowing him.

Join us for worship at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary.

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Knowing Jesus (3 of 6)
10:30 AM10:30

Knowing Jesus (3 of 6)

Sermon Series:  Knowing Jesus
Sermon Title:  Making Jesus Your Lord & Friend
Scripture Reading:  Luke 6:46-49; Romans 10:5-13; John 15:15
Sermon Focus:  The first followers of Jesus called him “Lord” and Master. What were they thinking when they addressed him this way? Did his disciples really mean it? In the Gospels we see that what actually began simply as sign of respect, became a recognition of divine authority and ownership over their lives. Jesus is Lord and God and he asks for our full allegiance. We are called to submit our lives to him. At the same time, Jesus says he doesn’t call us servants, but his friends. How can this be?

In Making Jesus Your Lord & Friend (3 of 6), pastor David reveals what it means to confess that Jesus is both Lord and friend.

Join us for worship at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary.

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Knowing Jesus (2 of 6)
10:30 AM10:30

Knowing Jesus (2 of 6)

Knowing Jesus invites us to consider what it actually means to have a “personal relationship” with Christ—moving beyond our knowledge about him to personally experiencing Jesus by abiding in him. What does it mean to follow Jesus this way? How is it that all of the Christian life flows out of this?

Join us October 11th – November 15th for a series that goes to the heart of our faith.

Sunday, October 18th at 10:30 AM

Sermon Title:  Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
Scripture Reading:  John 14:5-10; Luke 9:21-26; 1 John 1:1-3
Sermon Focus:  We know that Jesus ought to be central and supreme in our life and church, but which Jesus? We’re all tempted to fashion Jesus in our own image. It’s never been more prevalent that it is today in Western culture where individualism and moral relativism reigns supreme. When our view of Jesus develops apart from the Christ of history, we inevitably have him affirming things that reflect our own fallen desires and religio-political agendas. In Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? (2 of 6), pastor David calls us as saints and sinners to let our knowledge of Jesus be shaped by the New Testament.


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Knowing Jesus (1 of 6)
10:30 AM10:30

Knowing Jesus (1 of 6)

Knowing Jesus – A Worship Series for Saints & Sinners
October 11th – November 15th

In the fourth century AD the grassroots Jesus movement became an official religion. “Christianity” quickly became a dominant force in the Roman Empire, for good and for evil, taking to our faith a great deal that didn’t reflect Jesus’ life and teachings or the practice of the early apostolic churches.

There have been voices all throughout church history that have called us to repent of the things we’ve made it so that “knowing Jesus and making him known” might be at the center of our lives and the fuel of our faith. In its purest form, this is what it means to be an “evangelical” Christian.

In this six-part worship series, we will look at some of the challenges we face today in making Christ central and supreme in our lives and in our church. Saints and sinners alike will be invited to encounter the real Jesus of history and of faith in order to discover the abundant life he promised (Jn 10:10).

Knowing Jesus invites us to consider what it actually means to have a “personal relationship” with Christ—moving beyond our knowledge about him to personally experiencing Jesus by abiding in him. What does it mean to follow Jesus this way? How is it that all of the Christian life flows out of this?

Join us October 11th – November 15th for a series that goes to the heart of our faith.

Sunday, October 11th at 10:30 AM

Sermon Title:  Nothing Greater Than Jesus
Scripture Reading:  John 1:15; 3:30; 14:6; Philippians 2:5-11; 3:1-14; Colossians 2:2-3
Sermon Focus:  What are you jazzed about? What excites you and sets you aglow when you talk about it? In other words, from what or whom do you get your life? We were meant to get our life from Jesus, but too often Christians are on about many other things, least of all knowing him and making him known. What does it look like when our desire to know Jesus is greater than everything else, making the rest look like garbage in comparison? In Nothing Greater Than Jesus (1 of 6), pastor David challenges us to consider whether or not Jesus is really central and supreme in our lives and in our church.

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