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Knowing Jesus (3 of 6)

Sermon Series:  Knowing Jesus
Sermon Title:  Making Jesus Your Lord & Friend
Scripture Reading:  Luke 6:46-49; Romans 10:5-13; John 15:15
Sermon Focus:  The first followers of Jesus called him “Lord” and Master. What were they thinking when they addressed him this way? Did his disciples really mean it? In the Gospels we see that what actually began simply as sign of respect, became a recognition of divine authority and ownership over their lives. Jesus is Lord and God and he asks for our full allegiance. We are called to submit our lives to him. At the same time, Jesus says he doesn’t call us servants, but his friends. How can this be?

In Making Jesus Your Lord & Friend (3 of 6), pastor David reveals what it means to confess that Jesus is both Lord and friend.

Join us for worship at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary.

Earlier Event: October 18
Ad Council Meeting
Later Event: October 27
PLT Meeting