A Time For Everything by Judy Hurst

Sermon Title: A Time For Everything
Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-14; John 20:1-18; Romans 8:35-39; Hebrews 13:8

The writer of Ecclesiastes wrote that there is a time for everything. Like the four seasons we observe in nature, we are aware of how life constantly changes---there are beginnings and there are endings. We know that this is the way life operates, but most of us struggle to accept and adjust to those changes, often missing out on how the Spirit is present and at work. Yet the Scriptures tell us that we have a God who remains the same despite our circumstances, and that we can trust he is always with us no matter what changes may come. In A Time For Everything, pastor David encourages us to recognize where we are as individuals and as a church. What time is it in your life? And how does God want to meet you in the changes to come?

Listen to David and view the sermon slides here.

Marks of a Spirit-Filled Church by

Sermon Title:  Marks of a Spirit-Filled Church
Scripture Reading:  Ezekiel 43:1-5; John 14:15-21; Acts 1:1-8; Acts 2:42-47

The Scriptures teach us that the Father is the originator of all things, the Son is the revealer of the one true God, and that the Holy Spirit is the completer of God’s divine program and redemptive plan for the world.

In the OT, the Holy Spirit was at work in creation, empowered key individuals, and filled the Temple for a time. But it was through Jesus that the Spirit came in a unique way, empowering him to bring about the Kingdom on the earth. After Jesus is resurrected, he tells his disciples that the Spirit would soon empower them to proclaim the Gospel and continue his mission.

In Marks of a Spirit-Filled Church, pastor David has us consider what it looks like when the Spirit is at work in a church, and what we must do to welcome his transforming presence.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Shepherds of God's Flock by

Sermon Title:  Shepherds of God’s Flock: Why the Church Needs Pastors
Scripture Reading:  John 21:15-17; Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Peter 5:1-4 & Hebrews 13:7-9, 17a

In Ezekiel 34 we read a rebuke from God against the selfish, slothful “shepherds” of Israel--those who should have been leading and pastoring God’s flock into green pastures, but weren’t. As God’s mouthpiece, Ezekiel proclaims a day when God would be the Chief Shepherd of his people. Jesus tells us that he is that good shepherd (Jn 10:11). Throughout his ministry, Jesus shows his disciples how they too can shepherd people as he does. The apostles then help us to see that this role of shepherding is vital to the health of the church and the ongoing mission of God. Who are qualified to shepherd God’s flock? Why does the church need pastors?

In Shepherds of God’s Flock, pastor David helps us to think about the future of pastoral ministry. Listen to David and view the slides here.

It's A Woman's World... Too by

Sermon Title:  It’s A Woman’s World… Too
Scripture Reading:  Luke 8:1-3; Galatians 3:23-29; Acts 2:17-21

The gospels reveal that Jesus emancipated first-century women from second-class citizenship in God’s Kingdom story. He liberated women from their oppressive culture and overturned the accepted interpretations of the Hebrew Scriptures.

For Jesus, his radical inclusion of women was in keeping with his overarching ministry to defeat Satan and heal the destructive consequences of the Fall. So why have so many in the church failed to accept women as equals? And what about those restrictive verses in Paul’s letters? Did the Apostle Paul believe and teach in accordance with Jesus?

In It’s a Woman’s World… Too, pastor David presents us with a biblical foundation for the acceptance of women as equals in life and ministry. Listen and view the slides here.

Walking With God Through the Valley by

Sermon Title:  Walking with God through the Valley
Scripture Reading:  Lamentations 3:19-26, 55-57;  Psalm 27

The Scriptures are filled with stories of a loving God leading His children through seasons of pain, doubt, loneliness, fear, depression, and loss. In Walking with God through the Valley, guest preacher Samantha Winn challenges us with her own story of pain and addiction to consider a Heavenly Father who is big enough to carry all of our grief, pain and our doubts.

Listen to Sam and view the slides here.

Obeying Jesus (7 of 7) by

Sermon Series:  Obeying Jesus: 7 Commands for Every Disciple
Sermon Title:  Be, Do, Go (7 of 7)
Scripture Reading:  Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 10:1-12; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

In his last moments on earth with his core disciples, Jesus said, “Go and make disciples… teaching them to obey all that I have commanded.” So, what are these commands that sincere, authentic followers of Jesus should be obeying? In our Obeying Jesus: 7 Commands for Every Disciple series, we will look closely at the teachings and practices that Jesus said are basic and foundational to faithfully following him.

Last words are significant. After Jesus is resurrected, and just before he ascends back to the Father, he gives his disciples a final command: “Go and make disciples…” (Matt 28:18-20). Jesus instructs his disciples to carry on his mission, to pass on his teachings and continue his work.

In Be, Do Go (7 of 7), pastor David helps us to understand what Jesus is asking of us and why he left us this way. Listen to David and view the slides here.