vine & branches

Knowing Jesus (4 of 6) by

Sermon Series:  Knowing Jesus (4 of 6)
Sermon Title:  Abiding in the Person of Jesus
Scripture Reading:  John 15:1-11; 17:1-5, 25-26; Matthew 6:5-13

We know that we’ve all been called into a “personal relationship” with Jesus. However, we often settle for a head knowledge of Jesus, knowing about him, but never learning how to abide in him. As Wayne Jacobsen has said, “Though most believers are comfortable speaking of a ‘personal relationship with Jesus,’ few concepts are so greatly celebrated and little experienced.” How then do we carry on a relationship with Jesus? What does it mean to abide in the Vine?

In Abiding in the Person of Jesus (4 of 6), pastor David addresses practical disciplines that assist us in really knowing him. Listen to David and view the slides here.