
Obeying Jesus (3 of 7) by

Sermon Series:  Obeying Jesus: 7 Commands for Every Disciple
Sermon Title:  The Table of Memory & Mystery (3 of 7)
Scripture Reading:  Luke 22:17-20; John 6:53-58; 1 Corinthians 11:23-34

In his last moments on earth with his core disciples, Jesus said, “Go and make disciples… teaching them to obey all that I have commanded.” So, what are these commands that sincere, authentic followers of Jesus should be obeying? In our Obeying Jesus: 7 Commands for Every Disciple series, we will look closely at the teachings and practices that Jesus said are basic and foundational to faithfully following him. 

In their final Passover together, Jesus infuses new meaning into the community meal of God’s people. He tells his disciples that the bread and cup of the table now represents his broken body and blood shed for the sins of the world. He commands us to remember him each time we receive it.

In The Table of Memory & Mystery (3 of 7), pastor David helps us to see the real purpose of communion. Listen to David and view the slides here.

Lent to Easter 2016 (1 of 7) by

Sermon Series:  Living Ink: Learning to Live in God's Story
Sermon Title:  Entering the Story (1 of 7)
Scripture Reading:  Luke 4:1-13; Matthew 16:21-27; 1 Corinthians 10:1-6

Lent is a 40-day season when the church commemorates the time Jesus spent in solitude, in silence, and fasting in the wilderness. Jesus prepared himself in the wilderness for what the Father had for him in his life and ministry. In this season of wandering and preparation, we are invited to make room for God’s Spirit as we allow him to become the source of our strength and the Lord of our lives. In our Living Ink worship series, we will discover through the Scriptures that God is the Author of a grand narrative—a tale that encompasses all our struggles, pain, joys, and victories. This Author calls us to co-authorship, using our very lives to continue the Kingdom mission and vision of Jesus in a world poised for resurrection.

In Entering the Story (1 of 7), pastor David explains how we must come to the end of ourselves if we want to begin learning to live in God’s story and experience the redemptive plan he has for us and the world. Listen to David and view the slides here.

Covenant & Commitment (2 of 4) by

Sermon Series: Covenant & Commitment: A Four-Week Series on Covenant Membership
Sermon Title: Covenanting with Christ & the Church
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 8:1-13; Matthew 26:26-30; John 14:1-10

God has established a new and everlasting covenant through Christ. Baptism and communion are public signs of this covenant with Christ and the church. Jesus said he is the way, and the truth, and the life. He is God in the flesh. He then calls forth a community of committed believers to testify to this truth. As members of a local church, how do we live in the tension of Christ’s exclusive claims and his all-inclusive call to love others?

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Series Outline:

  1. Covenant: A Living, Breathing Thing
  2. Covenanting with Christ & the Church
  3. A New Covenant, A Renewed Vision
  4. Covenant as Christian Discipleship