Lent to Easter 2016 (5 of 7) / by

Sermon Series:  Living Ink: Learning to Live in God's Story
Sermon Title:  The Sixth Sense of the Kingdom (5 of 7)
Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 43:16-21; John 12:1-8; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31

Lent is a 40-day season when the church commemorates the time Jesus spent in solitude, in silence, and fasting in the wilderness. Jesus prepared himself in the wilderness for what the Father had for him in his life and ministry. In this season of wandering and preparation, we are invited to make room for God’s Spirit as we allow him to become the source of our strength and the Lord of our lives. In our Living Ink worship series, we will discover through the Scriptures that God is the Author of a grand narrative—a tale that encompasses all our struggles, pain, joys, and victories. This Author calls us to co-authorship, using our very lives to continue the Kingdom mission and vision of Jesus in a world poised for resurrection.

The Grand Author works in mysterious ways---ways that we often discover are quite surprising and upside down to the world and its wisdom. You could say that these ways serve as unexpected twists in God’s never-boring story. If we wish to see the wisdom of God, even to intuit how he is at work, we must learn to walk in the Spirit. In The Sixth Sense of the Kingdom (5 of 7), pastor David challenges us to embrace the power and mystery that comes with accepting Christ and the Kingdom.

Listen to David and view the slides here.