Lent 2 -- Further Thoughts on Faith & Imagination by

Hello CMF,

In the following visual addendum to the sermon, The God Who Does the Spectacular (2 of 7), I offer further thoughts on faith and imagination. Check out the links below as well.

Listen to this fascinating talk by Rick Hanson on taking in the good with our minds, and re-wiring our brains for the better. Think about how this can aid you in your journey of faith.

Check out Greg Boyd's book Seeing Is Believing for more on imaginative prayer.

Also, I talked before about Prayer in Imagination in the Not Against Flesh & Blood series.

"So don’t lose a minute in building on what you've been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus."  2 Peter 1:5-8 MSG


Lent 1 -- Further Thoughts on Biblical Inspiration & Genesis 1-11 by

Hello CMF,

I have put together an addendum to the sermon, offering further thoughts on Genesis 1-11.  But first, I talk about some of the meaning of biblical inspiration and authority.

Contrary to the way we normally think about the Bible, it's not just one book. The Bible is made up of many books. To be specific, the Bible is a library of 66 books, written by over 40 authors, spanning hundreds of years, and utilizing different literary genres to communicate theological truths.

On top of that, we have the hard work, but wonderful privilege, of interpreting it today. I have found this task very rewarding over the years. It has strengthened my faith in Christ.

Here are some suggested books for learning more about reading and studying the Bible:

If you're looking for more focused reading on Genesis 1-11, check out the following:

As you can see, John Walton, prof of OT at Wheaton College, is sort of the premier voice on the first few chapters of Genesis at the moment. Listen to Walton talk briefly about ancient cosmology and the flood here. And for his thoughts on the tower of Babel, listen to him here.

Finally, you may be interested in this article on the flood from BioLogos, and a video from scholar N.T. Wright talking about history and myth at work in Genesis.

Let me hear from you if you have any questions or thoughts.


Lent to Easter 2015 Prayer Calendar

Lent to Easter 2015 Series by

Hello CMF,

Today is Ash Wednesday. On the liturgical calendar this is the time we remember that we came from the dust and to the dust we shall return (Gen 3:19b). We remember that we are sinners who serve a holy God. We are in need of his forgiveness and salvation daily.

It is also the first day of the 40-day journey to Easter, which we call Lent. Some may choose to fast today and on other days during the Lent to Easter season. This could be fasting from food to realize your greater dependence upon the Spirit, or it could be abstaining from something else that you believe is hindering your relationship with God and others.

What trips you up? What causes you to sin (misuse your human energies)? In what way might the Spirit be calling you to "starve" your flesh during Lent?

This Sunday we kick off our Lent to Easter 2015 series called, Upside Down & Inside Out. Each week we will be reminded that whatever God is doing, it isn't "same old, same old." This is good news! God wants to do a new thing.

Our Leader worship guide provides us with an outline of worship services and sermons that focuses on renewal for those who are already committed to Christ and the church.

In discussing this series with the Worship Team, we thought this was evidence that the Spirit is at work in our church, speaking to all of us. How is God speaking to us?

Well, you may recall that in January we talked about covenant and commitment as we instituted covenant membership at CMF. Committing to Christ and the church, or simply desiring spiritual renewal for ourselves and our church, is for everyone. We're all in need of renewal.

What does renewal look like for those already committed?

Our Lent to Easter series will focus our attention on our need to see how and where God is at work in our personal walk with him, and in the life of our church.

What is God doing? What does he want to do? Will we allow him to work? Will we join him?

This year I wanted to help us be intentional in how we pray during Lent. I have put together a CMF Lent to Easter Prayer Calendar. I hope it enhances your journey through this season.

I look forward to seeing everyone this Sunday as we begin our trek toward Easter.

Pastor David

NOTE:  We had to cancel church last Sunday due to the extreme winter weather. I plan to preach the message Sabbath, Silence & Solitude after our current series.

Sabbath, Silence & Solitude by

Hello CMF,

Why are we often so crazy busy?

In The Life You've Always Wanted, John Ortberg wrote, "hurry is not just a disordered schedule. Hurry is a disordered heart." Wow! That's tough for all of us to hear. 

It's not just the miles per hour that makes our lives hurried, it's our anxious and driven hearts. Have you ever experienced that? Even when you're still you find that your soul is not?

What is worse is that when we live in the fast and furious mode of existence, we can't hear from God and be recharged by his life-giving voice. We weren't meant to live this way.

Sometimes we're busy doing good things, but the church is often guilty of adding to this problem of hurried living, instead of pointing people to the source of LIFE.

In his book, The Way of the Heart, Henri Nouwen wrote this about pastoral ministry:

"Our task is to help people concentrate on the real but often hidden event of God's active presence in their lives. Hence, the question that must guide all organizing activity in a church is not how to keep people busy, but how to keep them from being so busy that they can no longer hear the voice of God who speaks in silence."

This Sunday I'll be preaching a message entitled, Sabbath, Silence & Solitude

God gave us "Sabbath-rest" as a blessing that we can enter into it on a regular basis (Heb 4:9-11). Jesus modeled this for us. He practiced it in a way that honored God and restored his soul.

Christ left us an example to follow. We want to look at that together and learn from him.

What is Sabbath? Why is silence and solitude important for us as human beings? And what does it look like for seasons of work to flow out of Sabbath-rest?

Please join us this Sunday as we reflect on the heart of our Christian walk.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor David

Up, In & Out by

Hello CMF,

Aaron Kauffman, president of Virginia Mennonite Missions, challenged us on Sunday to look again at the Up, In & Out. How are we doing in these areas of our life and church?

This week in your small groups you will be reflecting on Aaron's message "Back to School with Jesus" and thinking together about what areas above need strengthening.

Thank you for taking the time to invest in the "personal space" of a small group

Please let me know if you're not in a group and would like to be.
