
Sabbath, Silence & Solitude by

Hello CMF,

Why are we often so crazy busy?

In The Life You've Always Wanted, John Ortberg wrote, "hurry is not just a disordered schedule. Hurry is a disordered heart." Wow! That's tough for all of us to hear. 

It's not just the miles per hour that makes our lives hurried, it's our anxious and driven hearts. Have you ever experienced that? Even when you're still you find that your soul is not?

What is worse is that when we live in the fast and furious mode of existence, we can't hear from God and be recharged by his life-giving voice. We weren't meant to live this way.

Sometimes we're busy doing good things, but the church is often guilty of adding to this problem of hurried living, instead of pointing people to the source of LIFE.

In his book, The Way of the Heart, Henri Nouwen wrote this about pastoral ministry:

"Our task is to help people concentrate on the real but often hidden event of God's active presence in their lives. Hence, the question that must guide all organizing activity in a church is not how to keep people busy, but how to keep them from being so busy that they can no longer hear the voice of God who speaks in silence."

This Sunday I'll be preaching a message entitled, Sabbath, Silence & Solitude

God gave us "Sabbath-rest" as a blessing that we can enter into it on a regular basis (Heb 4:9-11). Jesus modeled this for us. He practiced it in a way that honored God and restored his soul.

Christ left us an example to follow. We want to look at that together and learn from him.

What is Sabbath? Why is silence and solitude important for us as human beings? And what does it look like for seasons of work to flow out of Sabbath-rest?

Please join us this Sunday as we reflect on the heart of our Christian walk.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor David