john dickson

Life of Jesus Study by

Hello CMF,

I wanted to let you know that this Sunday I will begin leading our adult Sunday School class in a 7-week study on the Life of Jesus: Who He Is and Why He Matters.

We will be using video and material from scholar, John Dickson.

John Dickson (PhD) is the co-director of Centre for Public Christianity, an independent research and media organization promoting the public understanding of the Christian faith. With a degree in theology (Moore Theological College, Sydney) and a doctorate in ancient history (Macquarie University, Sydney), he is a senior research fellow of the Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University, where he teaches courses on Christian origins and the world religions.

Life of Jesus explores what is known about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus in the context of first-century Palestine. In this wonderful visual journey filmed on location in Israel, Dickson explores the world of the historical Jesus of Nazareth.

Learn how the Gospels in the New Testament are entirely set apart from all other works of antiquity.

Dickson’s presentation is powerful proof that there simply are no rivals to biblical scholarship. The case for Jesus has never been stronger than it is today.

Unlike other sacred writings making truth claims, the Gospels are not merely a collection of proverbial adages. Instead, they are biographical portraits of Jesus rooted in human history. And the historical background that Dickson sets forth brings the Gospel narratives to life.

Watch this short preview to the Life of Jesus study.

This series is for the disciple, as well as the skeptic. I hope you will join us for the Life of Jesus and the discussion to follow each video segment. See you Sunday at 9:30 AM!

Pastor David