The Confidence of a King / by Guest User


Dear friends,

As I read the Bible passages for this Sunday, the final verses of Psalm 139 stuck out: 

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts.
See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

The whole psalm exudes brash confidence; that 'the great God of All knows everything about me, which is great because I love God and hate God's enemies.' There's not a lot of humility there!

It seems crazy that King David, whose flaws and mistakes fill the Hebrew Bible, would sing such a song. In fact, if anyone could say such words we'd think it would be Jesus, but instead of "test me and know my thoughts," Jesus teaches us to pray "do not put us to the test, but deliver us from evil."

I think Jesus had a harder life than David, and knew that most people don't need additional stumbling stones in their lives. But I still love David's brash confidence, a human that embraces the staggering reality of a God that knows all.

In hard times Jesus knows best, but on good days my soul sings with David. If you have a moment this week, read Psalm 139, wrestle with its flaws, its rashness, and dwell in its rush of enthusiasm and energy. It's a song of startling breadth that raises our eyes to the skies and our hands to feel the wind.

Peace and joy be with you all,