Your Divine Worth / by Guest User

Dear friends,

How often do we hear words of comfort in our lives? Hopefully they form part of our daily diet, regularly spoken as part of our interactions with family, friends, and coworkers. But the sad truth is that too many people in the world go too long without having someone reach out in a way that both recognizes their troubles and affirms their worth. And oftentimes when such words do come they can’t be heard, they can’t sink into a heart hardened by a lifelong lack of encouragement.

Last night a friend recommended to me a speaker and author, Brené Brown, whose TED talk on human connection I found to be profound and life-giving. I highly recommend you click the link and listen to what she has to say about human connection and the crucial importance of a sense of self-worth.

Many of us may struggle with that numbness which both the Bible and Brené describe. For me the words of this week’s psalm, Psalm 23, are medicine. The green pastures and still waters described there become in my heart a place of safe retreat where I can gather the strength required to be vulnerable, to let myself feel. These words are immensely popular for a reason; they accomplish the very thing they speak of, that is they bring us an awareness of God’s presence and abiding love.

Read them and remember that you are loved, first by God but also by those of us who have had the privilege to be with you. As Jesus loved us so we love one another, and with Christ we are able, at times, to even love people we have never met, people we may never meet, people who might count themselves our enemies. All are worthy; and if they can just hear and understand this, I think it will bring much healing.

God’s love be with you all,