Reading the Bible to Know Jesus / by

Hello CMF,

Did you hear the message Abiding in the Person of Jesus last Sunday?

Listen as I follow up with further thoughts on reading the Bible for the sole purpose of knowing Jesus. Be sure to see the Lectio Divina ("divine reading") steps below the video.

Give it a try!  Set aside about 20 minutes where it's quite and you can be alone. Choose a passage or a verse(s) from Scripture and follow these four reading steps:

  1. Read.  Prepare yourself to hear God's word. What is being said in a broad sense?
  2. Reflect.  What words or phrases stand out to you? Meditate on them.
  3. Respond.  What do you need to express? Offer your thoughts and emotions back to God. 
  4. Remain.  Wait for Jesus in his presence. What is he saying to you? Talk to Jesus in prayer.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor David