Knowing Jesus Series / by

Hello CMF,

I'm excited to tell you about our new worship series beginning this Sunday!

Knowing Jesus -- A Worship Series for Saints & Sinners

In the fourth century AD the grassroots Jesus movement became an official religion. “Christianity” quickly became a dominant force in the Roman Empire, for good and for evil, taking to our faith a great deal that didn’t reflect Jesus’ life and teachings or the practice of the early apostolic churches.

There have been voices all throughout church history that have called us to repent of the things we’ve made it so that “knowing Jesus and making him known” might be at the center of our lives and the fuel of our faith. In its purest form, this is what it means to be an “evangelical” Christian.

In this six-part worship series, we will look at some of the challenges we face today in making Christ central and supreme in our lives and in our church. Saints and sinners alike will be invited to encounter the real Jesus of history and of faith in order to discover the abundant life he promised.

Knowing Jesus invites us to consider what it actually means to have a “personal relationship” with Christ—moving beyond our knowledge about him to personally experiencing Jesus by abiding in him. What does it mean to follow Jesus this way? How is it that all of the Christian life flows out of this?

Join us October 11th – November 15th for a series that goes to the heart of our faith.

See you on Sunday for the first message, Nothing Greater Than Jesus.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor David