Anabaptism 101: The Politics of Jesus (5 of 6) by

In the fifth message of this series, David addresses the most controversial and oft-misunderstood aspect of Anabaptism: non-violence and the politics of Jesus. In what ways did Jesus resist empire? How far did and do Anabaptists take Jesus' message of peace and reconciliation? How did/do Anabaptists understand church & state? What does it mean to be a pacifist?

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Anabaptism 101: Church as Kingdom Community (4 of 6) by

In the fourth message of this series, David addresses how the Anabaptists saw the church as a missional, counter-cultural family of Kingdom citizens. What is the meaning and purpose of baptism? What is the meaning of communion? Why live a simple life? What does it mean to embrace "the other" into God's family and extend the table of God's fellowship?

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Anabaptism 101: Word Made Flesh (3 of 6) by

In the third message of this series, David presents the Anabaptist view of the authority of Scripture, and a Christo-centric hermeneutic (interpretation) of the Old Testament. How do we interpret the OT in light of God's revelation in Christ? Do Anabaptists hold a high view of Scripture? What was and is so different about the Anabaptist view of Scripture versus the popular evangelical view?

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Anabaptism 101: Radical Discipleship (2 of 6) by

The second message in this series covers the Anabaptist view of discipleship in detail. Discipleship goes to the core of Anabaptism. What does it mean to follow Jesus? Did Jesus really expect us to follow his teachings from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)? What was and is so different about the Anabaptist view versus the popular evangelical proclamation of faith?

Listen to David and view the slides here.