Missio Dei

Missio Dei (6 of 6) by

Missional Movement
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  Missio Dei
Sermon Title:  Missional Movement
Scripture Reading:  Acts 2:1-21; 22-24, 37-47; Ephesians 3:16-21; John 14:15-18, 25-27

Jesus taught his disciples how they too could make disciples. They were afraid. They were uncertain about the future, and they didn’t think they could be faithful to carry out his commands. But Jesus didn’t leave them or us alone. In the book of Acts we reading about the coming of the Holy Spirit and the power that is able to propel the church forward.

In this final message of the Missio Dei series, pastor David seeks to encourage and inspire us to believe in Christ’s power to do the impossible.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Missio Dei (5 of 6) by

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Missional Living
Jake Lee

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You can view the slides to Jake Lee's message "Barns, Barricades & Brokenness" here

Sermon Series:  Missio Dei
Sermon Title:  Missional Living
Scripture Reading:  Luke 9:51-10:20; 12:13-21; 16:19-23; 19:11-21

One of the great challenges to the people of God from the very beginning has been how to engage with the broken world they found themselves in. What is an appropriate response? How are we to be disciples of a holy God in a sometimes unholy world? 

In Missional Living (5 of 6), Jake Lee calls us to pay attention to the life Jesus lived before His disciples, and the call He put on their lives in discerning what it means to be the people of God in the midst of a chaotic culture, by asking the question, "What is failure in the Kingdom of God"? And what might be the opposite of that?

Missio Dei (4 of 6) by

Missional Leaders
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  Missio Dei
Sermon Title:  Missional Leaders
Scripture Reading:  Eph 4:11-16; 1 Cor 9:19-23; 1 Cor 11:1; Phil 3:10-17

While an unbridled, top-down leadership hasn’t helped the church in the West, the early Christians recognized God’s gift to the church in the form of missional servant-leaders. This leadership doesn’t long for the spotlight, but it also doesn’t shirk the calling and responsibility to be out front as an incarnational example of Christ for the church to follow.

In Missional Leaders (4 of 6), pastor David calls forth those whom God has called among us to lead and guide the church into the future.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Missio Dei (3 of 6) by

Missional Church
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  Missio Dei
Sermon Title:  Missional Church
Scripture Reading:  Luke 5:1-11; Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:6-8

God is a missionary who sends a missionary church. It is not that the church has a mission; it is that God’s mission has a church. If we’re going to be missional like Jesus, what needs to change? What needs to happen for us to make room at the table for more disciples?

In Missional Church (3 of 6), pastor David challenges us to think about the gifts, systems, and spaces that exist in our congregation. Are we set up for exponential growth, and are we being intentional about mission?

Listen to David speak to us at our retreat and view the slides here.

Missio Dei (2 of 6) by

Missional Jesus
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  Missio Dei
Sermon Title:  Missional Jesus
Scripture Reading:  Luke 4:14-30; 10:1-16; Matthew 8:5-13; 9:9-13

Jesus is the Son sent by the Father. The divine logos (Word) became flesh and moved into the neighborhood. In Christ we see the missional God seeking out those who are broken and lost, those who recognize their need to be healed and reconciled to God.

In Missional Jesus (2 of 6), pastor David invites us to recommit ourselves to Jesus and his risky way of crossing borders and boundaries.  

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Missio Dei (1 of 6) by

Missional God
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  Missio Dei
Sermon Title:  Missional God
Scripture Reading:  Genesis 12:1-3; Jonah 1:1-3, 17; 2:10; 3:1-2; 10; 4:1-2; Acts 10:34-45

God is a missionary God who sends a missionary church. The church doesn't just send missionaries, the church is a missionary. Therefore, it's important that we’re not just sending people out to other places in the world, but that we first see ourselves as a body that is sent to the people living around us. 

As the Father sent his Son, we are called to embody the Kingdom of Christ where we live and share the good news with our neighbors—making disciples of Jesus in our own locale.

Missio Dei (Mission of God) looks at how the missionary heart of God is both the spark and the fuel to local ministry and church growth efforts. If we're captured by God’s heart for people and obedient to Christ (Matt 28:18-20), then multiplication will be in the DNA of our church.

In this six-part worship series, we will take a fresh look at basic Christian concepts like discipleship, evangelism, worship and community. Who are we as a church? What is our mission? What is our vision? What is God specifically calling us to be as an Anabaptist church in the New River Valley?

God is a missionary God. From the very beginning of creation to the birth of the early church, the Triune God has revealed his intentions to include all people into his divine community.

In the first message of this series, pastor David calls us to look deeply into the missionary heart of God, the God who seeks us out and sends us out to manifest his presence and reflect his glory into the world.  Listen to David and view the slides here.