Cultures of Generosity by

Hello CMF,

Teresa Boshart Yoder will be our guest speaker this Sunday, Jan 10th.

Teresa is the new Church Relations and Charitable Services Representative with Everence in Harrisonburg, VA.

She is tasked by Everence to work with individuals, organizations and congregations to plan for philanthropic goals that integrate their faith and values. In addition, she provides stewardship education resources, connections and support to area congregations. 

Teresa will be bringing a message entitled, Cultures of Generosity. She will be speaking to us about how our giving is related to our belief in the Gospel, and how we can create a culture of generosity within our church, which is set apart to be a local expression of Christ to our community.

Please join us for worship this Sunday morning at 10:30 AM.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor David

National Refugee Sunday by

Hello CMF,

This Sunday we continue our Advent 2015 series Freedom Bound

In The Path of Trust (3 of 6), I'll be addressing the chains of fear that entangle and paralyze us, and how to overcome them through Christ and an unwavering trust in God.

We also want to recognize that this Sunday is National Refugee Sunday.

CMF will be joining with thousands of churches all over the country taking part in response to the Syrian refugee crisis. There are more than 60 million refugees worldwide, the most ever in recorded history. There is between 12 and 13 million Syrian refugees and half are children. 95% of those refugees will never leave Syria or bordering countries, less than 5% will go to Europe or US. Therefore, we must provide aid to refugees right where they are. 

During this Sunday's service we will watch a brief video on the refugee crisis and then take up an offering that will go to World Vision. Please prayerfully consider giving.

Parents, the early portion of the video includes a couple of graphic scenes from the Syrian war. While we do plan to release the smaller children to the nursery before the video, please use discretion with your older children. You can preview the video here.

Please join us this Sunday as we celebrate our coming Lord who was also once a refugee. 

Grace & Peace,

Pastor David

Freedom Song by

Hello CMF,

Our Advent 2015 series "Freedom Bound" began Sunday with The Path of Justice (1 of 6).

In the sermon I read lyrics from Josh Garrel's song, Freedom (2003). 

If you're interested, listen carefully as Josh performs this powerful song.

Have you believed in the Christ? In what ways do you need to experience more of God's freedom? Advent is a good time to come into the freedom that only Christ can give.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor David

Advent-Epiphany Series by

Hello CMF,

I wanted to tell you about our upcoming worship series!

The Advent season is a time of reflection on how God's coming in Jesus releases us from personal, social, and historical chains that bind us. The theme for this Advent-Epiphany season is "Freedom Bound." We live in the paradox that we are both bound and free, on a march to freedom but encumbered by the burden of sin we carry; we are carrying the scars of struggle but living with a new hope.

God's freedom takes us down pathways of justice, mercy, trust, love, service, and inclusion.
"Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths" (Psalm 25:4).

Join us for our exciting Advent to Epiphany 2015-2016 series!

  • Nov 29th -- Advent One: The Path of Justice
  • Dec 6th -- Advent Two: The Path of Mercy
  • Dec 13th -- Advent Three: The Path of Trust
  • Dec 20th -- Advent Four: The Path of Love
  • Dec 27th -- After Christmas: The Path of Service
  • Jan 3rd -- Epiphany Sunday: The Path of Inclusion  *communion

Come worship the coming Messiah with us on Sundays at 10:30 AM.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor David

Going Through Samaria by

Hello CMF,

This Sunday (Nov 22nd) we will have a guest speaker with us.

Robert Howe is a friend of mine and has visited us before. Robert has a MA in Global Leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary, and is now working on a Doctor of Missiology (DMiss) in the area of Leadership Development at Fuller.

He currently works for the grad chapter of InterVarsity at Virginia Tech.

Robert has a passion for developing leaders and churches to be missionally engaged in the cultures around them. Now more than ever the church needs to be equipped for this task.

Here is what this Sunday's message looks like:

Sermon Title:  Going Through Samaria:
The Journey of Intercultural Discipleship
Scripture Reading:  John 4:1-42
Focus:  A key way that God shapes us as disciples of Jesus is through intercultural encounters with people from backgrounds different than our own. The disciples' journey through Samaria in John 4 is an example of how following Jesus will sometimes take us out of our cultural comfort zone.

In this message, guest speaker Robert Howe will share stories of how God has shaped him through experiences of other cultures, and he will invite others to reflect on their own "Samaria" for the sake of the kingdom of God.  Join us for Sunday School at 9:30 AM & worship at 10:30 AM.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor David