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The Freedom of Forgiveness

Join us for worship this Sunday morning at 10:30 AM.

Sermon Title:  The Freedom of Forgiveness
Scripture Reading:  Matt 18:21-35; Lk 6:36-38; Col 3:12-14

Jesus healed people and forgave their sins. His own people scoffed and said, “Only God can forgive sins!” While it’s true that God is the ultimate judge who pardons, and Jesus was and is God in the flesh, he calls those of us who are created in his image to imitate our merciful God by forgiving the sins of others who have wronged us. As disciples of Jesus, our own spiritual and physical health is at stake if we do not learn to practice forgiveness.

In The Freedom of Forgiveness, pastor David challenges us to consider where we might be harboring bitterness and then encourages us to come into the freedom that flows from forgiveness.

Earlier Event: January 24
World Fellowship Sunday
Later Event: February 4
PLT Meeting