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Missio Dei (1 of 6)

Missio Dei — A Worship Series on the Mission of God
August 30th – October 4th

God is a missionary God who sends a missionary church. The church doesn't just send missionaries, the church is a missionary. Therefore, it's important that we’re not just sending people out to other places in the world, but that we first see ourselves as a body that is sent to the people living around us.

As the Father sent his Son, we are called to embody the Kingdom of Christ where we live and share the good news with our neighbors—making disciples of Jesus in our own locale.

Missio Dei (Mission of God) looks at how the missionary heart of God is both the spark and the fuel to local ministry and church growth efforts. If we're captured by God’s heart for people and obedient to Christ (Matt 28:18-20), then multiplication will be in the DNA of our church.

In this six-part worship series, we will take a fresh look at basic Christian concepts like discipleship, evangelism, worship and community. Who are we as a church? What is our mission? What is our vision? Who and what is God specifically calling us to be as an Anabaptist church in the New River Valley?

In the first message of this series, pastor David calls us to look deeply into the missionary heart of God, the God who seeks us out and sends us out to manifest his presence and reflect his glory into the world. Don't miss the first message, Missional God.

Join us for this series, August 30th - October 4th.
Worship is at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary.

Earlier Event: August 25
PLT Meeting
Later Event: August 30
Ad Council Meeting