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Covenant & Commitment

Our sermon series continues on covenant membership.

Week Three, Sunday, January 25th

Sermon Title:  A New Covenant, A Renewed Vision
Scripture Reading:  Genesis 21:1-13; Psalm 105:1-11; Ephesians 2:1-10, 19-22

Focus:  The biblical narrative reveals that God desires to bless us regardless of our repeated unfaithfulness and our failure to follow his guidance, if only we would repent and believe. God can take our messy lives and bring good out of it. This renewed vision comes by entering into a living covenant with him and joining together with others who desire the same. We were saved and baptized into Christ and his community. How can we go deeper with Christ by establishing an active covenant and commitment to the local church?

Tags/Key Concepts: broken promises, bad experiences, cynicism, hopeful realism, repenting of individualism, beauty from ashes, letting go of the past, new chapter in life, new vision, etc.

Earlier Event: January 23
Giving Tree Food Pantry
Later Event: January 26
PLT Meeting