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Covenant & Commitment

Our sermon series continues on covenant membership.

Week Two, Sunday, January 18th

Sermon Title:  Covenanting with Christ & the Church
Scripture Reading:  Hebrews 8:1-13; Matthew 26:26-30; John 14:1-10

Focus: God has established a new and everlasting covenant through Christ. Jesus said he is the way, and the truth, and the life. He is God in the flesh. He then calls forth a community of committed believers to testify to this truth. Does commitment to Christ lead to exclusivism? How can we be faithful to Jesus in a pluralistic age? Where is the line drawn between the church and the world? As members of a local church, how do we live in the tension of Christ’s exclusive claims and his all-inclusive call to love others?

Tags/Key Concepts: centrality & supremacy of Christ, loving neighbor, extending the table of fellowship, pluralism, inclusivism, exclusivism, judgment, discernment, family, faithfulness, etc.

Earlier Event: January 13
PLT Meeting
Later Event: January 19
School for Leadership Training